ABC’s of Kindergarten!
A is
Attendance-Please arrive to school by 7:45 each morning, unless there is a case of illness.
Agenda-This is located in your child's FROG Binder. Please check and initial or sign each night.
Assessment- Your child will be assessed throughout the year in reading/language arts and math. I will share his/her progress with you as needed.
AR Testing - Students will begin Accelerated Reader this year. Students are allowed to test on books we read together in class as well as books you and your child read together at home. All books are not AR Books. Please visit the website to check the title of a book to see if it is an AR book.. This helps will reading comprehension.
Agenda-This is located in your child's FROG Binder. Please check and initial or sign each night.
Assessment- Your child will be assessed throughout the year in reading/language arts and math. I will share his/her progress with you as needed.
AR Testing - Students will begin Accelerated Reader this year. Students are allowed to test on books we read together in class as well as books you and your child read together at home. All books are not AR Books. Please visit the website to check the title of a book to see if it is an AR book.. This helps will reading comprehension.
B is
Birthdays- Birthdays are a reason to celebrate! You are welcome to send goody bags or other items for each student (pencils, erasers, etc.) to celebrate. If you choose to send cupcakes or cookies, please let me know in advance.
Backpacks are very helpful for students to bring daily as they will have several things to carry back and forth.
Backpacks are very helpful for students to bring daily as they will have several things to carry back and forth.
C is
Communication- Our main communication will be through our Agenda and texting. Please feel free to text me or place a note in the pencil pouch located in the front of your child's binder.
Conduct- This is a great year for helping your child think about how his or her choices affect his or her day and lead to certain consequences. Thank you for looking at the conduct in the Agenda each night and having regular conversations with your child about his or her behavior.
Conduct- This is a great year for helping your child think about how his or her choices affect his or her day and lead to certain consequences. Thank you for looking at the conduct in the Agenda each night and having regular conversations with your child about his or her behavior.
Donations- Sometimes our class may run low on important items. To get us started for this year, the following items would be greatly appreciated: Individually wrapped candy (no hard candy), expo markers, AAA batteries, and/or treasure box items. You may also see donation items in the newsletter from time to time.
Dismissal - we dismiss at 2:30; School policy states that any child not picked up by 2:45 will go to After School Care
Dismissal - we dismiss at 2:30; School policy states that any child not picked up by 2:45 will go to After School Care
E is
Emergency Contact- Weather conditions may dictate that we dismiss early. Please make sure your emergency contacts are up to date. If anything changes, please notify me, and I will make sure the office has the information.
F is
FUN!- Kindergarten is a fun and exciting year. We will work together to make sure this year is the best!
G is
God - Our Bible Curriculum incorporates visuals, stories, and scriptures. We will learn a new verse each week. The verse for the week will be introduced on Monday. Your child will be asked to recite the verse on Friday. We will practice the verse in class each day. Please help your child with the memory verse each night.
H is
Homework - Don't panic! These assignments will reinforce what we are doing in class. They will provide children with meaningful opportunities to grow as learners. Homework will NEVER be given on Wednesday's or Friday's. I'm not a big homework person. Homework will mostly consist of reading with your child, helping with the memory verse, and the words for the week. I will occasionally send home written homework (maybe :) ).
I is
IXL - This is one of the most comprehensive math practice sites on the web. It is available to TCA students to use in the classroom and at home. Your child will be assigned a username and password to access their IXL account.
Items - Please keep toys, trinkets, etc. at home. These items tend to cause distractions for children. Your child may bring a "special" stuffed toy or animal to nap with as long as it is small enough to fit into his/her backpack.
Items - Please keep toys, trinkets, etc. at home. These items tend to cause distractions for children. Your child may bring a "special" stuffed toy or animal to nap with as long as it is small enough to fit into his/her backpack.
J is for…
Jesus - Jesus loves the little children! Children are a special gift from God. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your child's life. I promise to give 110% to your child's spiritual, emotional, and educational well-being.
Journal- In kindergarten, we spend a lot of time practicing good writing skills. Kindergarten is also a time where they develop skills needed to express their ideas and opinions through writing.
Journal- In kindergarten, we spend a lot of time practicing good writing skills. Kindergarten is also a time where they develop skills needed to express their ideas and opinions through writing.
K is
Keep Reading!- This is a very important time in your child's life. He or she will soon begin reading! Think about setting aside a time each night to read for about 10-15 minutes. At first, this may be a time where you read to your child, but soon he or she will be reading to you! He/She will bring home a book at least once a week to read to you. Once they've read the book to you, you will sign a Reading Log.
Lis for…
Literacy Stations- While I teach small reading or math groups, the other students will be actively learning at a station. These stations are varied to keep students excited about learning, but often include art, writing, reading, listening, seatwork, learning games or puzzles, and much more.
Love - Love one another!
Library - Your child will visit the library once a week to check out books. These books are due back to school the following week.
Love - Love one another!
Library - Your child will visit the library once a week to check out books. These books are due back to school the following week.
M is for…
Math- We will use Saxon Math in Kindergarten this year.
My Love - Your babies will, without a doubt, have my love all year and hold a special place in my heart.
My Love - Your babies will, without a doubt, have my love all year and hold a special place in my heart.
N is
Newsletter- A weekly newsletter will be sent home on FRIDAYS. Please be sure to read through it carefully. It will be placed in the very back cover of the FROG Binder. I try to make it very interesting. It will have a picture of the Star of the Week in it and other fun things after that.
O is
Obey - Students are expected to obey all classroom rules. A visual system of tracking behavior will be used. Your child will be rewarded for positive behavior. Behavior is recorded daily in your child's folder. Open communication - I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about any concerns you may have with your child. My door is always open, and I'm only a phone call or text away.
P is
Parent Conferences - Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice a year.
Presidents - We will study one president every week. By the end of the year, you'll be amazed at how your child will be able to recite all of the presidents in order and answer important questions about them.
Presidents - We will study one president every week. By the end of the year, you'll be amazed at how your child will be able to recite all of the presidents in order and answer important questions about them.
Q is for…
Questions - I am partnering with you in the education of your child. Questions are welcome! I will do my best to respond to all emails, notes, phones calls, or texts in a timely manner.
R is
Reading- We use ABEKA and Reading Street Curriculum in Kindergarten. Read with your child every night!
Ready to Learn - All of us will begin our day on "Ready to Learn". This is explained farther in the page attached to the Welcome Letter.
Ready to Learn - All of us will begin our day on "Ready to Learn". This is explained farther in the page attached to the Welcome Letter.
S is
Snack - We break for snack at 9:30. Your child will be provided a snack and a drink each day.
Star of the Week - One student will be randomly chosen to be the Star every Friday and get to take home our pet frog (stuffed). They will just need to stay on the "Ready to Learn" lily pad when their name is picked.
Star of the Week - One student will be randomly chosen to be the Star every Friday and get to take home our pet frog (stuffed). They will just need to stay on the "Ready to Learn" lily pad when their name is picked.
T is
Towel or small blanket - Each child needs a towel or small blanket for rest time. These items will be placed in individual bags. They will go home on FRidays to be washed and returned to school on Mondays.
U is
Uniforms - Please be sure your child is in the appropriate TCA dress code each day. Fridays are SPIRIT DAYS. Your child may wear jeans and a TCA T-shirt to school on these days.
Unique - Each student is unique. Children come with a variety of personalities and learning preferences. Some children are strong visual learners and can see a word once or twice and remember it forever. Other children are better auditory learners and can easily hear and blend sounds to figure out many words. Some children need a lot of structure and guidance; other children are very self-directed and learn best when they can choose topics about which they want to read and write. In our classroom, various instructional techniques and methods will be used to help all students be successful and to meet the individual needs of each student.
Understanding - I will always treat your child with lots of love, respect, and understanding.
Unique - Each student is unique. Children come with a variety of personalities and learning preferences. Some children are strong visual learners and can see a word once or twice and remember it forever. Other children are better auditory learners and can easily hear and blend sounds to figure out many words. Some children need a lot of structure and guidance; other children are very self-directed and learn best when they can choose topics about which they want to read and write. In our classroom, various instructional techniques and methods will be used to help all students be successful and to meet the individual needs of each student.
Understanding - I will always treat your child with lots of love, respect, and understanding.
V is
Volunteers - Volunteers are very welcome! Please let me know if you'd be interested in helping out in any way... reading to the class, cutting out things, etc.
W is
Website - Our school website is I have a classroom website at I will only put your child's picture on there if you sign the consent form that will go home. I will also put updates on there of events and things going on with the school and in our classroom.
X is
XXX - Give your child kisses every night and tell them you love them.
Y is for...
You- You are your child's first teacher. Encourage your child to practice his or her new skills in real life while at home (noticing you use a clock at home, watching or helping measure while cooking, identifying letters and words in a book as you read together.)
Z is for…
You- You are your child's first teacher. Encourage your child to practice his or her new skills in real life while at home (noticing you use a clock at home, watching or helping measure while cooking, identifying letters and words in a book as you read together.)
Z is for…
ZZZ's - Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night. Kindergartners benefit from approximately 8-10 hours of sleep each night in order to have energy and attention for a productive day at school.
Awwwww.... thank you very much! I'm glad I could help! I'll check out the other site as well.